WWO’s Special Initiative for the Children of Israel

How You Can Make a Difference

Your generous donation will directly contribute to:

• Training Teachers & Caregivers:** Equipping local caregivers with the skills and knowledge to support traumatized children effectively.

• Providing Resources: Supplying educational materials, toys, and other resources to create engaging and therapeutic environments for the children.

• Creating Safe Spaces: Establishing secure areas where children can play, learn, and heal from their traumatic experiences.

Join Us in Bringing Hope and Healing

Please donate today and help us continue our vital work.

Thank you for considering our appeal. Together, we can make a lasting impact and offer a brighter future to the children of Israel.

Note: All donations received will be restricted to our work in Israel. To learn more about how to donate via stock, Donor Advised Fund or check, visit: https://www.wwo.org/more-ways-to-give

Israel Initiative

Can You Help Us Provide Emotional Support and Learning Opportunities for Children in Israel?

Since our founding in 1997, Worldwide Orphans (WWO) has been dedicated to supporting children facing the harshest circumstances. We have been present in times of crisis around the globe, from the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti to the ongoing refugee crisis caused by the Syrian war in 2012, and most recently, the conflict in Ukraine following the 2022 Russian invasion.

Now, following the tragic events of October 7th, and the ongoing hostage situation in Israel, thousands of young, traumatized children desperately need safe spaces to learn and play. That’s why we are seeking your support to launch a special initiative aimed at helping Israeli children heal and thrive.

Our Plan

Partnering with Israel-based nonprofit organizations, WWO will train caregivers in our Element of Play® program, providing crucial psycho-social support, learning materials, and toys for the children. Our trauma-informed curriculum and structured activities are designed to offer the routine and safety these children need amidst the chaos of conflict.

Why Your Help Matters

The impact of trauma on developing brains is profound. Children exposed to war and violence face significant emotional and psychological challenges. By providing structured support and creating safe, nurturing environments, we can help mitigate these effects and promote healing.

We invite you to join us in our mission to bring hope, peace, and comfort to the most vulnerable and innocent among us. Your support can make a world of difference in the lives of these children, providing them with the foundation they need to rebuild their futures.